Elevator pitch? Try this hack

Below is a transcript of the video.

Here’s my five-step process for crafting a message that’s clear, punchy and memorable. 

This is going to work wonders for you if you need: 

·         an elevator pitch for that job interview

·         a mission statement for your business

·         a topline summary of your research if you’re doing academic work

Or anything at all that you want people to remember easily - and be totally inspired by. So here goes!


Step 1: write your message out word for word.


Step 2: Read that message out to someone else, who’s not familiar with it. 

It could be a colleague, a friend, a family member. It doesn’t matter who they are, so long as the message is totally new to them. And the more technical your topic, the more important it is you pick a total greenhorn.


Step 3: And this is where the magic happens. Ask them to repeat your message back to you. 


Step 4: If they can’t remember your message, if they stumble over their words, or if what they say is not what you meant to get across, go back to your original and simplify. 


Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4 until anyone can repeat your message back to you word for word. 


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