What's missing?
I recently blogged about the perils of assuming too much knowledge on behalf of your readers. Today I came across an example of writing where the most fundamental question in the reader’s mind was, very confusingly, left unanswered.
On the suggestion of Daily Blog Tips, I had very excitedly headed to the 9Rules Network to submit my blog to be featured on the 9Rules Network homepage. The promise of hundreds of extra hits that endorsement by 9Rules would bring was just too enticing to ignore.
I went to their “How do I join?” page but couldn’t for the life of me work out how to submit my blog – and I’m not the only one in the blogosphere scratching my head.
The page answers a number of questions: “When do you take submissions?", “What do you do when you go through submitted sites?”, “How do I know if my site was accepted?” and several other FAQs.
Every question, in fact, except the most obvious and important one heading the page - HOW DO I BLOODY JOIN????
I’ve emailed 9Rules to tell them of the error – let’s hope they fix it soon!
Always double check your writing!